Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

Scientific Method in Real Cases

Scientific Method is widely used for real cases. Some of its application can seem weird for us. Such is the case of investigating the causes for air crashes. However, going over those terrific tragedies has proven essential to help new victims and stop the toll increasing. 
This video may seem tragic for you, but it will help you understand the vital importance of the scientific method for skillfull investigators in order to clarify such crashes. Watch the film and answer these questions:
  1. What kind of plane suffers the tragedy?
  2. How many people, in total, were travelling inside?
  3. When they describe several passengers they focused on two women and a man: Why were they travelling?
  4. Why was the flight delayed?
  5. How long did it take to the plane to be doomed?
  6. Who saw the accident first?
  7. Which were the two initial hypothesis to explain the accident?
  8. What did they have to study to check this hypothesis?
  9. Tell at least two experiments they performed to work out the real cause for the accident?
  10. Explain the conclusions of the investigation?
  11. Did the investigation lead to any change in planes to help new similar tragedies? Tell examples 

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

3ESO Structure of Matter.

  1. For the Species   
     indicate the number of electrons,
    neutron, protons.
  2. We have 3 different atoms: a)Z=2; b)Z=7; c)Z=11. Write their electrónic configuration, period, Group, aggregation state, stable ions, stoichiometry of the compound b-c
  3. Tell which type of radioactive emmission: a)is formed by electrons b)is most penetrating c)is formed by heaviest particles

4ESO Stoichiometry as a whole

  1. When 200 g of NaHCO3 95% react with HCl 0.5M they produce Sodium chloride, water and a gas which provoques global warming  is released. a) Write the chemical equation  (balance it). b)Determine the volume of HCL 0.5M you need c)Determine the volume of gas measured at 20°C and 0.9 atm.
  2. In a blast furnace, Iron is reduced from Fe2O3 to Fe (steel in fact) with graphite (C), which turns into CO2. Write the chemical equation. Determine the mass of graphite they need to get a kg of steel, and the volume of CO2 measured at 500°C and 2.5 atm.
Data: Pm Cl:35.5; Na 23; C 12; O 16; H 1 g/mol R=0.082 atm•l/Kmol

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Ideal gases equation 4ESO

When we study reactions with gases at
condiciones which are noticias ideal, we must use the ideal gases equation:


P=pressure in atm. 1atm=760mmHg
V=volume in L
n=n of moles, If we have mass n=m/Pm
R=0.082 atm•l/Kmol 
T=temperature in K (T°C+273.15)

  1. Determine the volume of a)3 mol of gas at 1.5 atm and 30°C b)10 g of O2 at 500mmHg and 100°C c
  2. Determine the number of moles of 5L of gas at 50°C and 1000mmHg. 
  3. Determine the temperature of 56g of N2 at 380mmHg in a 20L recipient. b)2 mol of gas at 5atm in a 10L recipient
  4. Determine the pressure of: 5 mol of gas at 25°C in 100L b) 1 g of H2 at 30°C in a 5L recipient.
  5. A 5L bottle has H2 at 2.5 atm and 50°C. A spark makes it burn with air. How much air will we need at 30°C and 1atm How much water will we produce?
Data: Pm/ g/mol = H=1, O=16, N=14

Stoichiometry 4ESO

  1. 250mL of hidrochloric acid 1 M react with a volume of calcium hydroxide 0.25M, so that the final products are all neutral. a) Write and balance the chemical equation. b) Calculate the volume of Ca (OH)2 solution, the mass of salt and the volume of water produced.
  2. 450g of 95% Alluminum sample react With air. How much Alluminium(lll)oxide will we produce? How much air at 2atm and 100°C will we need. P (atm)V(L)=nRT(K) R=0.082
  3. 11.2 L of propane  (C3H8) in NNCC  burn with oxígen. The gaseous products are collected in the same recipient (=V) at 50°C. What will be the new pressure? 

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Properties of matter 2ESO

Watch this video about matter and answer in (formulario the contacto" to  these questions:
  • Where can do we find matter?
  • What do we understand about matter?
  • What do we understand as propoerties?
  • What properties do all matter have?
  • Tell examples of properties we can use to different from one substance to another

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Chemical reactions 4 ESO

Watch this films and answer the questions
Send the answers With "Formulario de contacto"

  1. What examples of chemical reactions do you see in the video?
  2. How does the rust reaction take place as explain by the candle?
In the second video
  1. What does the scientist do with iron?
  2. What is the cause for breathing, rust and Blood being red?
  3. What does the balloon explode?
  4. List several plenomena which May happen during a chemical reaction

Atomic models

In this video they explain you the way to work out electronic configurations in an atom using the periodic table blocks and write down the electrionic configuarion of:
a) H, b)Li c)O, d)Be, e)F   f) Ne  g) Na  h)Cl i)Ar

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Structure of Matter and the KMT hypothesis

Watch these videos and answer the questions

  1.  What is the main idea of the KMT?
  2. What are the two main parte of KMT
  3.  How do partícles move in a)solid b)líquids c)gasses

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

Consejo seguridad nuclear

For this activity You must visit Visita Virtual CSN

  • What does radioactivity consist of?
  • What are the three main types of radioactive emmisions?
  • Explain the interior of a nuclear reactor and the safety equipment. 
  • What can they do With the nuclear waste?

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Last Review 3 ESO

1 How would you separate? A) A mixture of oil and water, b) a mixture of sand, water and iron c)a dissolution of water and alcohol.

2 List the basic and the derived magnitudes, indicating symbols and units

3 Convert these magnitudes to the IS units
813 mm                                                               12,5 mg
3,2 min                                                                234ºC(add 273,15K)
5,98 km2                                                             165 km/h
0.125 hm3                                                           77,7 h
23,14 ton                                                            25 L(dm3)

 4 Express into scientific notation with the number of digits between parenthesis:
0.00025698781 m (4)                                         235874 kg (3)
21.8754 l (2)                                                       0.012543 g/l (5)

5 When we measure the energy of an object against its speed, we get:
Speed m(s)
Energy (J)

Graph these results, determine the relationship and the equation for energy as a funcion of speed

Review 4 ESO L1 and L2

  • Take the elements A)Z=12; B)Z=17 and C)Z=36. Write their electrónic configuration, their Group and period. Tell their aggregation state, their stable iones.  Order them by their increasing atómic radious, electronegativity, ionization potential. For the bonds A-A, B-B, A-B, Tell which Will be gaseous, which Will be a solid electrical conductor and which will be an electric conductor. 
  • Summarise the 4 atomic models: author, experiment and what it consists of. 
  • When we measure the kinetic energy against the speed, we get these data:
        v(m/s) 2; 4;  5;  6
        E (J) 8; 32; 50; 72
     Graph these data, determine the type of relationship and the equation E as a function of v.

Review 4 ESO L1 and L2

  • Take the elements A)Z=12; B)Z=17 and C)Z=36. White their electrónic configuration, their Group and period. Tell their aggregation state, their stable iones.  Order them by their increasing atómic radious, electronegativity, ionization potential. For the bonds A-A, B-B, A-B, Tell which Will be gaseous, which Will be a solid electrical conductor and which will be antes electric conductor. 

  • Summarize the 4 atomic models: author, experimentado and what it consists of. 

  • When we measure the kinetic energy against the speed, we get these data:
v(m/s) 2; 4;  5;  6
E (J) 8; 32; 50; 72
     Graph these data, determine the type of relationship and the equation E as a function of v.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Problems Matter 3ESO

  1. Explain what is and give examples of: a) homogeneus
    Mixture; b)element c)heterogeneus mixture d)compound
  2.  How doesw KMT explain? a) we only know the taste of a soup if we take it, but we can smell it from far away b)Solids have a constant shape and volume c)gasses can be compressed, solids and liquids cannot d)A punctured tyre quickly desinflates, even if the hole is tiny
  3. Which are the properties of the 3 aggregation states?
  4. Supposse a gas at 26,85ºC  (convert to K). Its volume is 50 L and its pressure 2 atm. What will be its new volume if:   a) The new temperature is 600k at 2 atm. b)At 300 K, the new pressure is 4 atm c)At 600 K, the new pressure is 1 atm

Problems Matter 3ESO

Explain the meaning and give examples of
Heterogeneus mixture

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Review Lesson 2 4ESO

Review exercises. Lesson 1
1 Fill the following table.
Configuration (neutral)
Element symbol
a) 73A1+

b) 3216E2-

c) 8035X1-

d) 4020Y2+

e) 2713Z3+

2 In this periodic table (or one like this: in google type "plantillas tabla periodica", mark a period, a group, place all the species of exercise 1 and mark the tendence of the atomic radious, electronegativity, metallic character, electronic affinity

Ejercicios 2ESO cont

  1. Which tool would you use to measure (indicate resolution): A 100 m race duration, the weigth of an apple, the weigth of a car, the length of a room's side, a screw's length,  the volume of a tennis ball, 
  1. A ferry  weigths 45876 ton, measures 182123 cm, and has a useful surface of 22,765 hm2. Express its characteristics in IS units, using scientific notation and 3 significant digits
  2. Summarize and identify the steps which the teacher took during a lesson to study the free fall of objects. Include the name of the step and what the teacher did
  1. Convert to IS: 
  • 212,34 cm
  • 48.7 cm3
  • 4567 ha (hm2)
  • 67,42 g
  • 1,245 ton

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Repaso 2 ESO

Exercises 2 ESO

Answer to the questiosns in a piece of paper

  • In which stage of the scientific method do we a)repeat a natural phenomena b)state an initial idea c)study the results frm the experiment d)wonder ourselves about nature

  • Which statements about science are true? a) we can rely on science 100% b)science doesn´t need creativity c)science requires curiosity d)scientific method never fails

  • Change these magnitudes to IS units

45 cm

67 ton

21,7 mm

32 L (dm3)

72 km/h

3254,7 dm

0,912 km

23 cm 2

Write the scientific notation with the number of digits

456876544 kg (5)

0,0000845 m (6)

2134,6578 l (3)

0,00000000008727 km (3)

8769453716 km/h (6)

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Exercises physics and chemistry 3 and 4 ESO

Do the exercises and send the answer to the teacher with "Formulario de contacto"
1) In an experiment, we determine the density of an object by measuring its mass and its volume. The results are:
Mass (g): 23,7; 23,5;  23,4;  23,6
Volume (cm3): 3,3;  3,2;  3,1;  3,2

Determine with the absolute and the relative eroors, the mean values for the mass and the volume and the final result for the density. Could this material be gold (d=19,6g/cm3)

2) When we measure the duration (T) of a journey against speed (V: km/h), we get these values:
v(km/h)    T(h)
120          2
100          2. 4
80            3 
60            4
40            8
Graph the time(y) against speed. Determine the equation which relates time and speed (time as a function of speed) and the travelled distance. Check your equation is dimensionally rigth

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Problemas Física Examen Tema 0
  1. Sean dos vectores r=2i-3k y s=3i+k, determina la suma de 2r y 3s, la diferencia 2s-r, el ángulo que forman. Determina el producto t=r x s
  2. Una partícula de 2kg en reposo situada en el origen experimenta una fuerza dada por el vector t del ejercicio anterior durante 6s. Determina su impulso lineal final, su  posición y su energía cinética final.
  3. A qué velocidad debe girar un satélite geoestacionario? Cuál sera su radio de giro?
  4. Sabiendo el radio de giro de un satélite geoestacionario, cuál será el radio de giro de un satélite que gira en 12h?

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Electricidad 3 ESO

Conéctate a este vínculo 
Area Tecnología
y contesta a estas preguntas:

  1. ¿Qué es la electricidad?
  2. ¿En qué parte de la materia tiene su origen la electricidad?
  3. ¿Qué partículas dentro de esta parte conducen la electricidad?
  4. ¿Cómo se genera la electricidad desde el punto de vista del átomo?
  5. Enumera los efectos que puede producir la electricidad
  6. Explica cómo generamos la electricidad
  7. A qué llamamos diferencia de potencial
  8. ¿Cómo genera la electricidad una pila?

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

La manipulación genética y sus consecuencias

Observa este vídeo y contesta a las siguientes preguntas:
  • ¿Qué ha observado el ponente en un cuerpo humano de un autista?
  • ¿Qué tipo de análisis han hecho de esta observación?
  • ¿Qué consecuencias se extraen de este análisis?
  • ¿Cómo se explicaría el origen de esta observación?
  • ¿En qué partes del cuerpo humano se observa?