Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Problems Matter 3ESO

  1. Explain what is and give examples of: a) homogeneus
    Mixture; b)element c)heterogeneus mixture d)compound
  2.  How doesw KMT explain? a) we only know the taste of a soup if we take it, but we can smell it from far away b)Solids have a constant shape and volume c)gasses can be compressed, solids and liquids cannot d)A punctured tyre quickly desinflates, even if the hole is tiny
  3. Which are the properties of the 3 aggregation states?
  4. Supposse a gas at 26,85ºC  (convert to K). Its volume is 50 L and its pressure 2 atm. What will be its new volume if:   a) The new temperature is 600k at 2 atm. b)At 300 K, the new pressure is 4 atm c)At 600 K, the new pressure is 1 atm

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