Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Chemical reactions 4 ESO

Watch this films and answer the questions
Send the answers With "Formulario de contacto"

  1. What examples of chemical reactions do you see in the video?
  2. How does the rust reaction take place as explain by the candle?
In the second video
  1. What does the scientist do with iron?
  2. What is the cause for breathing, rust and Blood being red?
  3. What does the balloon explode?
  4. List several plenomena which May happen during a chemical reaction

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