Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Review Lesson 2 4ESO

Review exercises. Lesson 1
1 Fill the following table.
Configuration (neutral)
Element symbol
a) 73A1+

b) 3216E2-

c) 8035X1-

d) 4020Y2+

e) 2713Z3+

2 In this periodic table (or one like this: in google type "plantillas tabla periodica", mark a period, a group, place all the species of exercise 1 and mark the tendence of the atomic radious, electronegativity, metallic character, electronic affinity

Ejercicios 2ESO cont

  1. Which tool would you use to measure (indicate resolution): A 100 m race duration, the weigth of an apple, the weigth of a car, the length of a room's side, a screw's length,  the volume of a tennis ball, 
  1. A ferry  weigths 45876 ton, measures 182123 cm, and has a useful surface of 22,765 hm2. Express its characteristics in IS units, using scientific notation and 3 significant digits
  2. Summarize and identify the steps which the teacher took during a lesson to study the free fall of objects. Include the name of the step and what the teacher did
  1. Convert to IS: 
  • 212,34 cm
  • 48.7 cm3
  • 4567 ha (hm2)
  • 67,42 g
  • 1,245 ton

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Repaso 2 ESO

Exercises 2 ESO

Answer to the questiosns in a piece of paper

  • In which stage of the scientific method do we a)repeat a natural phenomena b)state an initial idea c)study the results frm the experiment d)wonder ourselves about nature

  • Which statements about science are true? a) we can rely on science 100% b)science doesn´t need creativity c)science requires curiosity d)scientific method never fails

  • Change these magnitudes to IS units

45 cm

67 ton

21,7 mm

32 L (dm3)

72 km/h

3254,7 dm

0,912 km

23 cm 2

Write the scientific notation with the number of digits

456876544 kg (5)

0,0000845 m (6)

2134,6578 l (3)

0,00000000008727 km (3)

8769453716 km/h (6)

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Exercises physics and chemistry 3 and 4 ESO

Do the exercises and send the answer to the teacher with "Formulario de contacto"
1) In an experiment, we determine the density of an object by measuring its mass and its volume. The results are:
Mass (g): 23,7; 23,5;  23,4;  23,6
Volume (cm3): 3,3;  3,2;  3,1;  3,2

Determine with the absolute and the relative eroors, the mean values for the mass and the volume and the final result for the density. Could this material be gold (d=19,6g/cm3)

2) When we measure the duration (T) of a journey against speed (V: km/h), we get these values:
v(km/h)    T(h)
120          2
100          2. 4
80            3 
60            4
40            8
Graph the time(y) against speed. Determine the equation which relates time and speed (time as a function of speed) and the travelled distance. Check your equation is dimensionally rigth

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Problemas Física Examen Tema 0
  1. Sean dos vectores r=2i-3k y s=3i+k, determina la suma de 2r y 3s, la diferencia 2s-r, el ángulo que forman. Determina el producto t=r x s
  2. Una partícula de 2kg en reposo situada en el origen experimenta una fuerza dada por el vector t del ejercicio anterior durante 6s. Determina su impulso lineal final, su  posición y su energía cinética final.
  3. A qué velocidad debe girar un satélite geoestacionario? Cuál sera su radio de giro?
  4. Sabiendo el radio de giro de un satélite geoestacionario, cuál será el radio de giro de un satélite que gira en 12h?