Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Review Organic Chemistry

  1. A cyclic ketone which hasn't got branches and has a Pm=84g/mol contains  71.4% C and 9,5%H. Tell its empiric and its mollecular fórmula. Draw its geometric fórmula. 
  2. A compound burns energically, boils at 60°C and solves into water. It doesn't carry electricity. Can it be organic?
  3. Name:

  1. Write the formula of 
  • 2 ethyl 2 propen-al
  • 2 propyl 3 chloro butanoic acid
  • 3 flúoro 2 cyclopentenone 

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Formulation Exercises III 3ESO


  1. Na3N
  2. BH3
  3. Cu2O
  4. Pb (OH)4
  5. TeO2
  6. BaI2
  7. Hg
  8. P2O5
  9. LiF
  10. Br2
  11. KBr
  12. CI4
  13. NH3
  14. H2Se
Write the formula of

  1. Iodine
  2. Lead (II) selenide
  3. Tin(IV) oxide 
  4. Dichlorine Trioxoseleniate
  5. Silane 
  6. Iron
  7. Alluminium hidroxide
  8. Carbon tetrafluoride
  9. Silicon dióxide
  10. Iron (II) hidroxide
  11. Hidrochloric acid
  12. Ozone
  13. Strontium hydride 
  14. Rubidium oxide 

sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Organic formulation


Write the formula of

  1. 4 methyl 4 Chloro 1,3 hexanodiol
  2. Buthenodioic acid
  3. 1 Methyl 1,3 cyclobuthadiene
  4. 2,2-dichloro 3-hidroxi-buthanoic acid

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Formulation 3 ESO Complete

Name these compounds

  1. H2O
  2. Fe(OH)3
  3. NiH2
  4. PbF4
  5. Cu2O
  6. SiH4
  7. BeO
  8. Ca3N
  9. I2O5
  10. AlH3
  11. BeO
  12. K2O
  13. BaTe
  14. HgO
  15. NH3
Write the formula of

  1. Silane
  2. Dichlorine heptaoxide
  3. Arsane
  4. Copper (II) oxide
  5. Nickel trifluoride
  6. Tin (II) hidroxide
  7. Silver bromide
  8. Lithium oxide
  9. Borane
  10. Carbono monoxide
  11. Berlylium hydride
  12. Sulfur dioxide
  13. Dinitrogen trioxide
  14. Barium nitride
  15. Iron (III) oxide

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Formulation 3ESO

Name these compounds:

  1. Cu2O
  2. AlF3
  3. SiH4
  4. PtO
  5. AgCl
  6. Ni2O3
  7. Ba3N2
  8. I2O5
  9. KH
  10. CaBr2
  11. I2O7
  12. H2Se

Write the formula of

  1. Methane
  2. Iron(II) hydride
  3. Hidrohloric acide
  4. Diclorine Trioxide
  5. Gold (III) oxide
  6. Copper (II) oxide
  7. Aluminium iodide
  8. Magnesium hydride
  9. Hidrofluoric acid
  10. Lithium oxide
  11. Ammonia
  12. Aluminium oxide

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Formulation 4 ESO cont

  1. H2SO3
  2. CaI2
  3. CuCO3
  4. SiH4
  5. Cl2
  6. MgO2
  7. Ni2O3
  8. BeH2
  9. Rb2SO4
  10. Na3PO4
  11. HNO2
  12. Cu(ClO3)2
  13. CoS
  14. BaO
  15. Fe2(SO4)3

  1. Berylium bromide
  2. Dihidrogen
  3. Ozone
  4. Carbon tetrachloride
  5. Trioxoseleniate(IV) of hidrogen
  6. Potassium peroxide
  7. Iodine
  8. Strontium sulphate
  9. Arsane
  10. Nitrogen trichloride
  11. Gold(III) chlorate
  12. Tin(II) oxide
  13. Methane
  14. Lead(II) chloride
  15. Hipoiodous acid