Blogg con entradas, ejercicios y recursos destinado a los estudiantes de las asignaturas Física y Química de 3ESO a 1 Bachillerato, Física de 2ºBachillerato y Química de 2º Bachillerato

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Formulation 4ESO

Name these compounds

  1. CaSO4
  2. N2O5
  3. CH4
  4. Ag2O
  5. NiCl3
  6. AlH3
  7. H2SO4
  8. Cu (ClO4)2
  9. BaF2
  10. N2
  11. NaO
  1. Trioxoseleniate(IV) of hidrógen
  2. Chlorous acid
  3. Magnesium oxide
  4. Water
  5. Berilium peroxide 
  6. Rubidium sulphate 
  7. Tetraoxoiodate (VII) of copper(II)
  8. Silane
  9. Sodium permanganate 
  10. Hidrochloric acid
  11. LiF
  12. Fe2O

Review 2 ESO periódic table

  1. In this periódic table Mark out: a) Period 3; Alkali metals, transición metals, carbonoids, anfigens, noble gases
  2. Locate in the table:a) Z=39; b) Fr; c) Au; d)Alkali Earth Metal period 3; e)Anfigens Period 3; f)Si; g) Ne.
  3. When you Know all these elements, order them by their metallic character, atomic radious, ionization energy. 
  4. Tell which kind of compound will form a-e; b-b

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Formulation 4 ESO

Name these compounds:

  1. Cu2O
  2. AlF3
  3. SiH4
  4. PtO
  5. AgCl
  6. NiI2
  7. Ba3N2
  8. I2O5
  9. KH
  10. CaBr2
  11. I2O7
  12. H2Se

Write the formula of

  1. Methane
  2. Iron(II) fluoride
  3. Hidrohloric acide
  4. Diclorine Trioxide
  5. Gold (III) nitride
  6. Copper (II) oxide
  7. Aluminium iodide
  8. Magnesium hydride
  9. Hidrofluoric acid
  10. Lithium oxide
  11. Ammonia
  12. Aluminium oxide

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Using the periodic table: 3 and 3 Bilingual

When we locate an element in the periodic table, we inmediately know: 

  1. Its atomic number
  2. Its electronic configuration 
    fig 1: Periodic table trends
  3. Its period and family
  4. Its relative size
  5. Its metallic character
  6. Its relative electronegativity
  7. The bondings with other elements: If the two are on the left side of the periodic table (except H): Metallic; If one is on the left and the other is on the rigth: ionic; If the two are on the rigth: covalent.
If we look at table position´s to find K and Cl (find them), we will see:

K Z=19; It is a metal: period 4, group I, [Àr] 4s1, alcali metal,
F Z=9; It is non metal. Halogen. [Ne] 3s2 3p5
We can order their properties by their  position: a) Atomic radius: K is on the left and in a bigger period: look at the trend in fig 1: K atom is much bigger than Cl; K is also much more metallic. The ionization energy is bigger for Cl, because it is on the rigth and in a lower period.
They will form an ionic bonding: a Crystal.

In the table, locate these elements: Rb, Ca, P, and O and:
a) Tell their atomic number, period, group, and if it is a metal; (3 ESO: electronic configuration)
b) Order them by its atomic radious, metallic character, ionization energy
c) (3 ESO): Tell the kind of bonding between: Rb and O; Ca and Ca, P and P 
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